Type constructor with unit (return
) and bind (>>=
class Monad (m :: * -> *) where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
satisfying the following laws:
return x >>= f == f x
m >>= return == m
(m >>= f) >>= g == m >>= (\ x -> f x >>= g)
State Int
increment :: State Int ()
increment = do
x <- get
put $ x+1
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "What is your name?"
x <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ x ++ "!"
The underlying functors compose!
State s (Maybe (IO a))
Monads with a "hole" for another monad
Values in the inner monad can be lifted to the outer
class MonadTrans (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) where
lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
must respect return
and >>=
lift . return = return
lift (m >>= f) = lift m >>= (lift . f)
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT {runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a)}
instance MonadTrans MaybeT where
lift = MaybeT . liftM Just
type Maybe a = MaybeT Identity a
newtype StateT s m a = StateT {runStateT :: s -> m (a, s)}
instance MonadTrans (StateT s) where
lift m = StateT $ \ s -> do
a <- m
return (a, s)
type State s a = StateT s Identity a
We have
StateT s Maybe a ≠ MaybeT (State s) a
s -> Maybe (s , a) ≠ s -> (s , Maybe a)
Monolithic effects
data TheMonadOfMyApp a =
TheMonadOfMyApp (MyState -> (IO (MyLog , MyState , a)))
instance Monad TheMonadOfMyApp where
justSayHello :: TheMonadOfMyApp ()
justSayHello = TheMonadOfMyApp $ \ db -> do
putStrLn $ "Hello!"
return ("Just said hello!" , db , ())
main :: IO ()
main = runTheMonadOfMyApp initialState $ do
We would prefer
justSayHello :: StdOutput ()
justSayHello = putStrLn "Hello!"
justSayHello :: StdOutput m => m ()
justSayHello = putStrLn "Hello!"
It should also be easy to add a new effect to our "vocabulary"
There should be no need to
Use type classes to capture monadic interfaces
standard monad transformers
type classes with their abstract interfaces
See Jones 1995
increment :: State Int ()
increment = do
x <- get
put $ x+1
increment :: MonadState Int m => m ()
increment = do
x <- get
put $ x+1
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "What is your name?"
x <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ x ++ "!"
main :: MonadIO m => m ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "What is your name?"
x <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ x ++ "!"
s in the stackDue to functional dependency!
class Monad m => MonadState s m | m -> s where
get :: m s
put :: s -> m ()
If you omit | m -> s
, you need OverlappingInstances
Same for MonadReader
and MonadWriter
?program :: (MonadError () m , MonadState s m) => m ()
To add the (n+1)-th monad transformer,
we must give n instances.
is extremely ad hoc!
Represent effectful programs as modular syntax
Handlers interpret syntax as monads
A datatype parameterised by a f :: * -> *
data Free f a =
Return a
| Free (f (Free f a))
When f
is a Functor
, Free f
is a Monad
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Return
(Return a) >>= f = f a
(Free xs) >>= f = Free (fmap (>>= f) xs)
We use Free a
as a generic representation for monadic computations
Free f
Example: Take f = Arithmetics
data Arithmetics a =
Val Int
| Plus a a
deriving Functor
Free Arithmetics x
represents expressions made from
Free f
Take Vars
as the type of two "variables" x
and y
data Vars = varX | varY
x + (2 + y)
is captured by
Free (Plus (return varX)
(Free (Plus (Val 2)
(return varY))))
Monadic operations:
return x
is an occurrence of variable x
is substitutionA simple notion of subtyping between functors:
data (f :+: g) e = Inl (f e) | Inr (g e)
class (Functor sub, Functor sup) => (:<:) sub sup where
inj :: sub a -> sup a
instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, f :<: g) => f :<: (g :+: h) where
inj = Inl
instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, f :<: h) => f :<: (g :+: h) where
inj = Inr
Not real Haskell: original version has restrictions
See also Wadler 2008 (blog), Bahr 2014 (slides)
as the target monad
A handler for the effect f
is a function of type:
forall a. f (m a) -> m a
m = IO
as targetclass Functor f => Handler f where
handler :: forall a. f (IO a) -> IO a
+ FileSystem
data Teletype a =
GetChar (Char -> a)
| PutChar Char a
deriving Functor
data FileSystem a =
ReadFile FilePath (String -> a)
| WriteFile FilePath String a
deriving Functor
getChar :: Teletype :<: f => Free f Char
putChar :: Teletype :<: f => Char -> Free f ()
readFile :: FileSystem :<: f => FilePath -> Free f String
writeFile :: FileSystem :<: f => FilePath -> String -> Free f ()
getChar = GetChar Return
putChar c = PutChar c $ Return ()
readFile fp = ReadFile fp Return
writeFile fp s = WriteFile fp s $ Return ()
+ FileSystem
Example program: UNIX cat
cat :: FilePath -> Free (Teletype :+: FileSystem) ()
cat fp = readFile fp >>= mapM_ putChar
(Alternative type for the same program)
cat :: (Teletype :<: f , FileSystem :<: f) => FilePath -> Free f ()
+ FileSystem
instance Handler Teletype where
handler (GetChar f) = Prelude.getChar >>= f
handler (PutChar c m) = Prelude.putChar x >> m
instance Handle FileSystem where
handler (ReadFile fp f) = Prelude.readFile fp >>= f
handler (WriteFile fp s m) = Prelude.writeFile fp s >> m
Handler for the sum of two effects, given the single handlers
instance (Handler f, Handler g) => Handler (f :+: g) where
handler (Inl x) = handler x
handler (Inr y) = handler y
A generic evaluator for effectful programs
handle :: Handler f => Free f a -> IO a
handle (Return a) = return a
handle (Pure xs) = handle (fmap handle xs)
Example: running the cat
program in the IO
main :: IO ()
main = handle cat
Easy to define a new effect!
However, extending the target monad is not considered.
E.g.: with IO
as target monad, how to interpret State s
data State s a =
Get (s -> State s a)
| Put s (State s a)
Without unsafe tricks, IO a
cannot manage a state of type s
(xs ++ ys) ++ zs
takes |xs| + (|xs| + |ys|)
xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
takes |xs| + |ys|
Consequence: reverse
via ++
is \(O(n^2)\) instead of \(O(n)\).
Similarly, for Free
(m >>= f) >>= g
is slower than
m >>= (\ x -> f x >>= g)
[Voigtländer 2008] shows examples of affected algorithms.
Higher-order free-monadic programs become problematic!
Use type classes and type families to capture monadic interfaces
class Monad m => Get a m where
get :: m a
class Monad m => Put a m where
put :: a -> m ()
type family State (a :: *) (m :: * -> *) :: Constraint
type instance State a m = (Get a m , Put a m)
class Monad m => Input m where
input :: m String
class Monad m => Output m where
output :: String -> m ()
type family InputOutput (m :: * -> *) :: Constraint
type instance InputOutput m = (Input m , Output m)
Example usage:
inputAmount :: Input m => m (Maybe Amount)
inputAmount = liftM readMaybe input
deposit :: (InputOutput m , Put Amount m) => m ()
deposit = do
x <- untilJust $ do
output "Enter the amount you want to store:"
put x
output "Goodbye!"
: Extensibilitytype family Find (t :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *)) (m :: * -> *) :: Nat where
Find t (t m) = Zero
Find t (p m) = Suc (Find t m)
: ExtensibilityReader
's ask
to any transformer stackclass Monad m => MonadReaderN (n :: Nat) r m where
askN :: Proxy n -> m r
instance Monad m => MonadReaderN Zero r (ReaderT r m) where
askN _ = Trans.ask
instance (MonadTrans t, Monad (t m), MonadReaderN n r m, Monad m) =>
MonadReaderN (Suc n) r (t m) where
askN _ = lift $ askN (Proxy :: Proxy n)
type MonadReader r m = MonadReaderN (Find (ReaderT r) m) r m
ask :: forall m r . MonadReader r m => m r
ask = askN (Proxy :: Proxy (Find (ReaderT r) m))
: ExtensibilityState s
to distinguish their rolesmonad-classes
: CanDo
type family CanDo (m :: (* -> *)) (eff :: k) :: Bool
generalises both ReaderT
and WriterT
Consider the syntactic constructions
, Operational
, Unimo
, Freer
instance (Teletype :<: f) => Input (Free f) where
input = getChar
instance (Teletype :<: f) => Output (Free f) where
output = putChar
instance (FileSystem :<: f) => ReadFile (Free f) where
readFile = FileSystem.readFile
instance (FileSystem :<: f) => WriteFile (Free f) where
writeFile = FileSystem.writeFile
cat :: (Output m , ReadFile m) => FilePath -> m ()
cat fp = readFile fp >>= mapM_ output
main :: IO ()
main = handle cat
(Remember that handle :: Handler f => Free f a -> IO a
, (finally-tagless), …"Program to an 'interface', not an 'implementation'."
class MonadT t where
lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
treturn :: Monad m => a -> t m a
tbind :: Monad m => t m a -> (a -> t m b) -> t m b
The syntactic State
data State s x =
Return x
| Get (s -> State s x)
| Put s (State s x)
instance Monad State where
return = Return
(Get k ) >>= f = Get (\ s -> k s >>= f)
(Put s x) >>= f = Put s (x >>= f)
handle :: State s x -> s -> (s , x)
handle (Return x ) s = (s , x)
handle (Get f ) s = handle (f s) s
handle (Put s x) _ = handle
Programs in the syntactic State monad
get :: State s s
get = Get (\ s -> Return s)
put :: State s ()
put s = Put s (Return ())
increment :: State Int ()
increment = get >>= put . (+1)
is not modular!We need a more generic representation
data Operational f a where
Return :: a -> Operational f a
Then :: forall a. f a -> (a -> Operational f b) -> Operational f b
By Parametricity, Operational f a
is isomorphic to Free f a
data Unimo f a =
Return a
| Free (f (Free f a))
| forall b. Bind (Unimo f b) (b -> Unimo f a)
package adds Bind
transformationnewtype Codensity f a = Codensity (forall r. (a -> f r) -> f r)
rep :: Monad m => Codensity m a -> m a
abs :: Monad m => m a -> Codensity m a
If you use Codensity (Free f)
instead of Free f
(m >>= f) >>= g
reduces to (almost)
m >>= \ x -> f x >>= g
before m
, f
and g
are evaluated!
and :<:
, but
Union r v ::
is a type-level list of "effect labels"v
is the type of "variables"Member f r ::
Interesting optimisation [KiselyovVanDerPloeg 2014]
Recall Operational
data Operational f a where
Return :: a -> Operational f a
Then :: forall a. f a -> (a -> Operational f b) -> Operational f b
In Freer
, (a -> Operational f b)
is "reified" as an efficient
heterogeneous sequence of continuations (fast append!)